NEOM ‘Big Day Energy Face Mist’ Window Displays

The design of this installation was based on the Big Day Energy Face Mist campaign photography, which featured a neon green rope light wrapped around a hand spraying the product. We transformed the 2D image into a 3D window display by extending neon rope lights out from the photograph and wrapping around the hand.

The frames used in these windows are from our 2022 Christmas displays which were repurposed with Neom’s signature concrete texture, in line with NEOM’s brand style.

Date: March 2023

Client: NEOM Organics

Work: Design, Production, Installation

Key Features: Print, Rope Light, Suspended tube lights in brand colours, Repurposed concrete-effect frame, Window decals

Location: All NEOM UK stores


Nutriburst 'Doing Vitamins Differently' Window


NEOM 'Gift Good Vibes' Christmas 2020